About the project

The NiBS Bazaar was an exciting and hands-on learning experience for the children of class II. Through this project, they delved into the world of money, gaining valuable insights into both theoretical concepts and practical application. The project aimed to provide a platform for the children to not only understand the value of money but also to experience firsthand the process of creating, selling and learning.

Driving Question

What medium can we use to buy things in a market?


The driving question sparked the curiosity and interest of the students and to get them explore it, an Entry Event was planned ‘Let’s go shopping’ where a mock market was set up.  Students were divided in groups, and were asked to buy things they want using whatever things they had to exchange. Soon they figured out that exchanging things for things was not going to work. They decided to create play money and each student was given ₹100 in the form of the play money.

With the help of the rate list, the students further collaboratively decided the items they can buy with the money they had.  

This led students to explore of the topic of money in depth. The journey began with an understanding of the history of money, including the barter system and the invention of currency. Concepts such as saving money, different denominations of currency, digital payment platforms, and terms like deposit and withdrawal were covered. We also discussed about the different currencies of the world. With the help of mind maps, we understood the roles and responsibilities of people in various shops and businesses which gave students a broader perspective of the topic.

Students used ‘Think, Pair and Share’ activity where numeracy skills were strengthened through hands-on activities, including using dienes blocks, ice cream sticks and number strips to understand tens and ones, and they practiced addition and subtraction of two-digit numbers with concrete objects and playing cards.

Engaging riddles about money added an element of challenge and fun to the learning process. The interdisciplinary nature of the topic enabled integration with other subjects, promoting holistic learning. Visual aids like pictures and videos enhanced understanding, while art and craft activities contributed to a well-rounded learning experience.

Mind maps, group discussions, and collaborative activities enriched classroom interactions. A Friday Project involved creating items for sale, fostering practical skills. Community engagement with visits to a vegetable vendor and a stationery shop further enhanced learning. The diverse activities such as projects, worksheets, responses of the children were used to assess student progress through the theme, ensuring a comprehensive evaluation. Overall, the integration of multiple approaches and subjects created an engaging and dynamic learning environment.

Project Culmination

All the contributions of the children were assimilated and put together in the form of a bazaar. The parents were invited to the NiBS Bazaar on the day of culmination. The children took the parents through the journey of the entire PBL. The session was interactive with parents asking the students interesting questions and the students responding with enthusiasm and joy. The students’ learning was clearly evident from the way they spoke on the spot and gave spontaneous responses to the questions asked by the parents. Culmination was not just one-point display of their learning over the course of this project but also a proud moment for the students to savour the success of their efforts.

A reflection exercise was also done in the class wherein the students shared with us their most enjoyable moments from the journey. The parents filled a feedback form too giving us the opportunity to reflect on the success of this journey.

Teacher Reflection

The NiBS Bazaar proved to be an enriching experience not only for the students but also for the teachers. As educators, we observed the transformative power of experiential learning in action. Witnessing the children’s enthusiasm, collaborative efforts, and growth throughout the project was truly heart-warming.

The project effectively combined theoretical understanding with hands-on application, allowing students to grasp complex concepts in an approachable manner. It was gratifying to see the students immerse themselves in tasks like product creation, taking the fair price from the customers and marketing, demonstrating a depth of understanding beyond the classroom. Moreover, the project emphasized the development of skills that are essential in everyday life. The children learned about teamwork, effective communication, critical thinking, and problem solving, all while experiencing it themselves. This aligns perfectly with our objective as educators to nurture well-rounded individuals who are prepared for the challenges and opportunities of the real world.

As we reflect on the NiBS Bazaar project, we are reminded of the power of hands-on, project-based learning to foster curiosity, initiative, and a genuine love for learning. It was truly a privilege to witness the students’ growth and the lasting impact this project had on their educational journey.


  1. The NiBS Bazaar (the Bazaar had 3 categories of products – Pencil Toppers, Bookmarks and Rakhis)
  2. PowerPoint Presentation
  3. Videos
  4. Learning Packs


  1. Resources for Activities
  2. PowerPoint Presentations
  3. Video links
  4. Worksheets
  5. Feedback and Reflection Forms