Nirmal Pragati: The VOICE of Promise

Nirmal Pragati, our centre for educators encourages teachers to speak the VOICE of PROMISE.

Rooted in the belief that teachers ‘teach who they are’, the centre sets the pattern for personal development. In order to inspire teachers to learn, grow and explore horizons beyond the traditional disciplines, the team organises visits to music recitals, theatre performances, art museums and places of historical interest. In addition, it provides a platform for educators to share their passions and hidden talents with their colleagues as part of an in-school sharing programme.

Every three years, teachers are also taken to a distant location for a rejuvenating retreat to look back and reflect on our progress this far and to plan for the future in accordance with our goals and vision. Away from the daily routine of school and bonding with colleagues in a relaxed environment, the Pragati Retreat offers teachers much needed time and space for deep, reflective enquiry – enquiry that helps them recommit themselves to their profession and to the vision and values of the school.