Kriya, an action and energy packed weeklong fitness festival, with the aim of encouraging lifelong culture of fitness commenced on 6th February 2023. Focused on developing a healthy body and an active lifestyle rooted in a love for play, adventure and the outdoors in order to develop a healthy mind, Kriya encourages active participation by all, the values of fair play, grit, persistence and the pursuit of excellence.

The event began with the display of strength, balance and flexibility by students of class III performing Yoga asanas. Students of class III who were introduced to sport specialisations between Futsal, Basketball, Table Tennis and Gymnastics, mixed expertise and grit as they participated in healthy yet competitive matches.

Day 2 of the Kriya Festival showcased the students of class IV performing drill exercises with hoopla rings. These exercises focused on developing hand-eye-leg coordination, and collaboration among students. This was followed by a display of specialisation skills they learnt during the year. Human pyramids created by students of class V that showcased exceptional coordination, synchronisation and team spirit was the showstopper on day 3, while day 4 began with a hair-raising marching of the four houses of Ashoka, Banyan, Neem and Peepal ably led by their Sports and House Captains. Sportsmanship, grit and pursuit of excellence were spectacularly showcased when the houses consisting of students of middle and senior schools took on each other in the specialisation games of Table Tennis, Futsal, Basketball and Gymnastics on day 4 and 5. Children of Ankur and Pallav had their Kriya games on 16th February where they had tremendous fun indulging in wholesome head to toe maneuvering exercises and a variety of exciting fun games. Classes I and II celebrated their Kriya festival on 17th February; whether it was conducting a drill with Hooplas, performing ‘Surya Namaskar’ and other yoga ‘asanas’ or partaking in races that depicted the journey of a seed to a full grown plant, these young athletes were a picture of infectious energy, fine balance, impeccable coordination and indefatigable spirit. The Kriya festival drew huge gatherings of our community and icing on the cake was the fun games organised for the parents everyday which got everyone enthused and energised.